Carte SEO gratuita – SEO Fast Start

Am descoperit o alta carte in format PDF, scrisa de Dan Thies si intitulata „SEO Fast Start”. Documentul cuprinde 100 pagini organizat in 9 capitole si este scris in engleza. Informatiile sunt prezentate simplu si pe intelesul tuturor. Chiar si cei mai experimentati pot gasi informatii utile.

Cartea este oferita gratuit la descarcat, fara a fi nevoie sa va inregistrati.

Un mic extras din carte:

SEO is pretty simple, really. It boils down to doing five things right:
• Developing a keyword strategy to target the right searchers
(Chapter 3)
• Building a well-structured web site
(Chapter 4)
• Creating good content and doing basic “on page” optimization
(Chapter 5)
• Promoting your site to get links from the rest of the web
(Chapter 6)
• … and avoiding technical “gotchas”
(Chapter 9)

That last one hardly matters to most folks, but I’ve still woven information about it
through this book. Even if you find the right information and understand what all of
those things really mean, you’re still missing a very critical piece.

Pe site-ul care sta la baza crearii ebook-ului puteti gasi multe alte informatii utile si chiar un curs online gratuit de 12 saptamani care cuprinde inclusiv prezentari video.

1 thoughts on “Carte SEO gratuita – SEO Fast Start

  1. andrei 21/04/2017 at 9:52 am

    Informatiile sunt valabile si pt blog?

    • Mihai 07/05/2017 at 9:24 pm

      Articolul e destulde vechi dar poti incerca.. sigur, se aplica pentru orice tip de site.

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